Next MeetingTuesday, September 28
********** Recruitment Booths at Harlem & Thomson Festivals The camp unanimously voted that we would staff a recruitment booth at the Oliver Hardy Festival in Harlem and the Camellia City Festival in Thomson. It is time that we know who will help staff the booths. Tom Holley is bringing the tent, an 8’ table, an ancestry sign and four folding chairs. David Butler is bringing the banner, zip ties, and signup notebook. Mike Lacefield is bringing the flags. We need at least five members present during each shift.
********** Announcements
********** Important Dates in CSA History********** Durham Milburn Honored for 20 Years of SCV Service Left to right: Pam Smith, her father Durham Milburn, Jimmy McDaniel & Tom Holley Walter Durham Milburn joined the Army National Guard when he was 18. He made SFC E6 early on. He was platoon squad leader and in later years was staff sergeant E6. He spent 15 years in and decided he had had enough. After being out several years, his good friend, Colonel Jack Cooper talked him in to finishing his 20 years. He retired after 20 years. During the Berlin Crises his unit was called to active duty where they served at Fort Meade, Maryland. He was on the rifle team and won 9 championship badges. He also received sharp shooter medals for both rifle and machine gun. He was a Confederate re-enactor for many years with the 10th GA. Thank you to Jimmy McDaniel for writing this article. ********** 127th National ReunionCartersville, GA -- July 19-23, 2022 -- Registration Has Already Begun
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