Editorial by Lewis Smith -- July 2021
I picked up an Augusta newspaper from July 19 yesterday, and the above headline looked so normal. What else is new? The paper’s story in direct quotes contains the following passages:
“Gangs of Hundreds Fighting, Yelling Take Over Things”
“The police in the Northern cities are being brutalized by the Negroes. Every few days you read that a mob of Negroes has beaten a policeman in some of these cities. The last two to come to our attention happened in St. Louis. Within a period of three or four days, two policemen were beaten by a crowd of from two to three hundred Negroes, and another pair of policemen was beaten by a mob of Negroes ranging in number from three to four hundred.”
“The first story, as it appears in the ST. LOUIS DEFENDER, in its June 17th issue, follows:
An officer attempting to quell a disturbance between two men at Semple and Ridge Avenues was roughed up considerably, Saturday.” The officer apprehended the men but was stopped as he took them back to his car. A man jumped in front of him and said, “You can’t take these guys.” The man attacked the officer and “a crowd estimated by the officer at between 200-300 persons gathered and at least 20 of these persons were fighting him. The officer yelled for help and a man stepped forward” until a woman pulled him back. Another policeman arrived to help but was also attacked by the crowd. The policemen broke away and rushed to their cars with the man who started everything. He and one officer were treated at a hospital.
“Then, on the 21st day of June, THE ST. LOUIS EVENING WHIRL, a strictly Negro newspaper, carried the following story about two other policemen:
A mad mob of fighting and hollering Negroes took over the law in their own hands… One night last week a crowd of between 300 and 400 maddened citizens of all ages gathered to the 5600 block of Clemens Avenue. Mob rule took over as Patrolmen Darrell Van Hooser and Kenneth Hoelker were beaten and ridiculed. The officers were attempting to arrest a 15-year-old boy who was trying to beat up a 77-year-old woman, Mrs. Marie Stockhoff.”
“Little Bobby Stitt, a 19-year-old talker and persuader, interfered with the officers as they were performing their duties. Officers then attempted to arrest both Stitt and the fighting 15-year-old. A gathering crowd took offense to this and began flogging and kicking the officers till they hit the dirt. No one tried to assist the officers. The crowd appeared to be cop haters. You cannot arrest a swarming mob.” Both teenagers, Stitt and the 15-year-old, were booked.
Draw your own conclusions about this. Oh yeah, this was from July 19, 1965 in the Augusta Courier newspaper. Submitted by Compatriot Lewis Smith, Thomson Guards July 21, 2021.
I picked up an Augusta newspaper from July 19 yesterday, and the above headline looked so normal. What else is new? The paper’s story in direct quotes contains the following passages:
“Gangs of Hundreds Fighting, Yelling Take Over Things”
“The police in the Northern cities are being brutalized by the Negroes. Every few days you read that a mob of Negroes has beaten a policeman in some of these cities. The last two to come to our attention happened in St. Louis. Within a period of three or four days, two policemen were beaten by a crowd of from two to three hundred Negroes, and another pair of policemen was beaten by a mob of Negroes ranging in number from three to four hundred.”
“The first story, as it appears in the ST. LOUIS DEFENDER, in its June 17th issue, follows:
An officer attempting to quell a disturbance between two men at Semple and Ridge Avenues was roughed up considerably, Saturday.” The officer apprehended the men but was stopped as he took them back to his car. A man jumped in front of him and said, “You can’t take these guys.” The man attacked the officer and “a crowd estimated by the officer at between 200-300 persons gathered and at least 20 of these persons were fighting him. The officer yelled for help and a man stepped forward” until a woman pulled him back. Another policeman arrived to help but was also attacked by the crowd. The policemen broke away and rushed to their cars with the man who started everything. He and one officer were treated at a hospital.
“Then, on the 21st day of June, THE ST. LOUIS EVENING WHIRL, a strictly Negro newspaper, carried the following story about two other policemen:
A mad mob of fighting and hollering Negroes took over the law in their own hands… One night last week a crowd of between 300 and 400 maddened citizens of all ages gathered to the 5600 block of Clemens Avenue. Mob rule took over as Patrolmen Darrell Van Hooser and Kenneth Hoelker were beaten and ridiculed. The officers were attempting to arrest a 15-year-old boy who was trying to beat up a 77-year-old woman, Mrs. Marie Stockhoff.”
“Little Bobby Stitt, a 19-year-old talker and persuader, interfered with the officers as they were performing their duties. Officers then attempted to arrest both Stitt and the fighting 15-year-old. A gathering crowd took offense to this and began flogging and kicking the officers till they hit the dirt. No one tried to assist the officers. The crowd appeared to be cop haters. You cannot arrest a swarming mob.” Both teenagers, Stitt and the 15-year-old, were booked.
Draw your own conclusions about this. Oh yeah, this was from July 19, 1965 in the Augusta Courier newspaper. Submitted by Compatriot Lewis Smith, Thomson Guards July 21, 2021.