2nd Lt. Nathan Erasmus Benton
“Eliza Carter, called “Ida” Born in Augusta, Georgia, in 1834 to James Mitchell Carter and Sarah Rainscock Barrett. James, a planter, died the year Ida was born so she and her older siblings - John, Nancy and Jane - were raised by their mother. In 1853, Ida married Nathan Erasmus Benton, son of a wealthy Augusta planter. Ida and Nathan had three children: Alice, Clifford and Julian. When war came, Nathan enlisted in July 1861, in Appling, Georgia, as Lieutenant in Co. K, Ramsey’s Volunteers, 16th. Georgia Infantry. He was wounded in the leg September 14, 1862, at the Battle of Crampton’s Gap, in Burkittsville, Frederick County, Maryland, which preceded the Battle of Antietam. Nathan died the next day. Ida sought and received a job as signer in the Treasury Department. After working for some time, she developed an eye disease that prevented her from further work, so she resigned on 9 November 1863. After the war, Ida returned to Augusta, to live with her mother, who in 1854 had remarried to Peter Forman Boisclair, a wealthy…”.
Source: Confederate Treasury Notes: The Signers and Their Stories. By: Charles Derby and Michael McNeil. Excerpt by: John DeTreville in website of History of Augusta, Georgia.
Source: Confederate Treasury Notes: The Signers and Their Stories. By: Charles Derby and Michael McNeil. Excerpt by: John DeTreville in website of History of Augusta, Georgia.